Medical Specialist Trainings

Whether a “team player” or "lone worker" – here you will find a suitable training format

Are you looking for a trainer who can quickly and effectively prepare your employees in German and in English in the human medical fields of oncology, gastroenterology and hepatology, interventional radiology or nuclear medicine? A trainer teaches not only from theoretical knowledge but also brings a wealth of practical experience? Who has built sales experience over many years? Who brings empathy and joy whilst working with people and enthusiasm for the subject matter?

With me, you work with a trainer whose diverse skills you can confidently rely upon: my sales knowledge as Key Account Manager and Senior Key Account Manager. My extensive work as a trainer with employees from various departments and hierarchy levels - also and in cooperation with distributors. My additional practical knowledge from marketing.

Through my training, you can learn how to establish contact with physicians and to maintain and develop them. You will build medical knowledge - to a high level but understandable and with practical application.

Competent and interdisciplinary : Training with high performance rate

Firstly, training needs are identified in coordination with the respective departments - Human Resources, Sales, Marketing and Clinical Research. Across departments or within departments, I either lay the foundation or expand the medical knowledge of the trainees.

I develop individually tailored training courses that are geared to the needs of the company, the department or the employee - in this way providing benefits for a team or an individual: Designed for specific people from different departments, for whole groups or teams, and also for distributors. I ensure effective individual, group or team mentoring which is particularly useful for new employees. If necessary, I am also able to take over the organization of training courses in consultation with the company.

I am also willing to create questionnaires for each individual training day in order to research, record and evaluate the respective learning objectives, providing you with an overview of the performance and effectiveness of the training.