EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Trauma Therapy for the treatment of (severe) trauma or anxiety
As a certified medical psychotherapist I can examine your personal psychological situation professionally and assess whether a therapeutic treatment makes sense. As a natural health psychotherapist, I specialize in the field of the human psyche. This training, along with my medical knowledge and my empathy for people has given me the sensitivity required for this work. If the diagnosis is initially hard to bear, I`m trained to bring stability and to treat you, in order to lead you safely to the next stage of the process.
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, meaning the desensitization and re-processing of trauma experienced through eye movements. The behavioural therapist Joseph Wolpe (founder of "Systematic Desensitization", 1958) has been a major support for Francine Shapiro, Ph. D. (born 1941, American clinical psychologist and literary scholar and founder of the EMDR) in making EMDR well known throughout the profession of Psychotherapy.
Today, EMDR has gained worldwide recognition as a high-value therapeutic method, and its benefits to clients in the treatment of various traumas and anxiety have meanwhile been proven.
Many people with traumatic experiences suffer from physical and / or mental symptoms for which they, as yet, had no explanation. EMDR not only relieves emotional distress, it also helps the sufferer to understand why they, for example, suffer from anxiety disorders, depressive behaviours, phobias or psychosomatic complaints.
Through this special technique of EMDR -guided by me as a therapist- fears and panic attacks are reduced - becoming desensitized, gentle and attuned to the client's situation. You are consciously in the process and "present" the whole time, EMDR is NOT a form of hypnosis.
How EMDR "connects to" memory
Under non-traumatic conditions, a normal everyday occurrence is temporally and spatially correctly embedded in the brain in the overall context.
In complete contrast, when traumatized, there is a massive release of certain hormones leading to a malfunction in areas of the brain. Due to this malfunction, the spatial and temporal recording of events in the brain is massively disturbed.
The course of events of the trauma is stored incoherently in the brain, just as fragments of information. These fragmented pieces are retrieved from the memory in certain, unpredictable or even foreseeable situations and suddenly come to light as trauma memories in everyday life.
The processing of the experiences is thus much more difficult, and this has a negative impact on the entire life of those affected and those around them. With these findings, EMDR has been developed in order to bring the correct sequence of events gently back into your consciousness for processing and then resolution.